We are happy to announce the release of HDFql 2.1.0!

This version includes:

Added support for direct chunk write/read into/from datasets (to greatly increase performance) – thanks to Mark (University of Chicago, USA), Xiaoqiang (Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland), Ulrik (Diamond Light Source, UK), Tobias (Imperial College London, UK) and Stefan (Fermilab, USA) for the feedback.

Added wrapper for Python version 3.7.x

Added capability to open an HDF5 file, define/manipulate/query/introspect objects (i.e. groups, datasets, attributes, [soft] links or external links) and, afterwards, close the file in one go (in all relevant operations – e.g. “CREATE DATASET”, “INSERT” and “SELECT”)

Updated reference manual

(Please check the release notes for further details)

For heads up on releases and the latest on HDFql, we welcome you to connect on twitter.com/hdfql